Animal Life Science Curriculum
1. Where in the World
- SKILLS: World map study, understanding geographical areas and differences that impact an animal leaving their natural habitat, transporting an animal from a natural habitat to a manmade one, understanding the importance of the design of a manmade habitat, understanding the importance of animal specific feeding plan and nutrition. Demonstrating knowledge of appropriate habitat and nutrition for the animals assigned.
- VOCABULARY: adapt, carnivore, eco system, environment, geography, habitat, herbivore, natural habitat, nutrition, predator, prey
Using the world map provided and information you learn through research complete the following:
- Identify the natural home habitat for each animal assigned by your Teacher.
- Describe how you would transport each animal from their natural habitat to Santa’s Village.
- Design the habitat for each animal assigned by your Teacher. Specify the size of the enclosure, materials used to build the enclosure as well as what would be in the enclosure to most resemble the animals natural habitat. Describe what the habitat would look like. (Your Teacher may ask you to draw the enclosure follow his/her directions)
- Design a feeding chart for each animal assigned by your Teacher. Specify whether the animal is a herbivore or carnivore what you will be feeding, what amount of each feed the animal will receive, when feeding will take place and your reasons for designing this feeding plan.
- Compare and contrast the skull and teeth of carnivores and herbivores, explain what you observe from your research.
- Identify a predator and a prey “pairing” for each animal assigned by your Teacher (name an animal that may prey upon each animal assigned and an animal that each animal assigned may prey upon). Explain the importance of each animal in the eco system they naturally live in.
2. Look at ME
- SKILLS: Observation , differentiation of animal “coats”, analysis and application of animals appearance to survival
- VOCABULARY: den, feathers, flight or fight, fur, natural habitat, perch, pond, scales, season
For each of the animals assigned by your Teacher complete the following:
- Identify and describe the outer “covering” of each animal- is it fur, feather or scales? (Your Teacher may ask you to draw each)
- Explain how the outer covering of each animal is best suited to the natural habitat and “lifestyle” of the animal.
- Describe what if any impact a change of seasons will have upon each animal assigned by your Teacher. Will anything change in terms of their appearance?
- Explain what specific outer covering considerations should be taken into account in the design of a habitat for each animal at Santa’s Village giving specific reasons why. (hint: does the animal need a den, a perch, a pond?)
3. Safari so good:
- SKILLS: Observation, analyses, data collection and illustration, scientific identification
- VOCABULARY: binomial nomenclature, characteristics, common name, domain, field guide, hierarchy, scientific name, species,
For each animal assigned by your Teacher you will complete a field guide page that will be part of a field guide of all the animals assigned by your Teacher to the entire class. Include the following:
- Create a cover with a title for your guide
- Design a table of contents
- Explain in a paragraph the purpose of your field guide-how will it be of use to a person touring the Park looking for each animal assigned to you
- Construct one page per animal assigned that includes the following:
- The characteristics of the animal
- What close observation of the animal would reveal
- The scientific name of the animal (binomial nomenclature)
- The hierarchy from Domain to species
- A hand drawn picture of each species
- A complete description of the animal including appearance and mannerisms
- Interesting information and facts about each animal (at least 3)
- Identify and describe the natural habitat and eating habits of each animal.
Animal Enclosures
Sulcata Tortoise, Koi Pond, & Free Flight Aviary