Career Pathways
A day at Santa’s Village is not only a fun filled day for our guests but also an exciting and enjoyable look at career pathways that lead to the Park in many different professions!
As part of your visit to the Park you will have the opportunity to discover many professions and talk to professionals throughout the course of the day at various locations. You will be asked to complete the following as directed by your teacher. Have fun finding out about your future career opportunities!
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1. Visit each area as identified and answer the corresponding questions for each.
a.) RIDES: Observe THREE different rides in the Park ( your teacher may assign them to you) and answer the following :
- What are the THREE rides you have selected?
- On initial observation who do you see from the Park as an employee and what is their job? If there are different observations for the THREE rides indicate the differences.
- How might each ride “break down” and what type of professional would be needed to get each back in working condition?
- At the end of the “season” (when the Park closes) all rides are securely stored, what type of professional would be needed to disassemble (take apart) each ride and put it in storage?
- In getting ready for the next season ( Park re-opening) each ride is carefully inspected for condition of appearance as well as working parts what types of profession(s) would be needed to prepare a ride to be in good working order for the next season? Identify a ride to use in constructing your answer.
- For each ride select ONE profession identified and answer the following (select THREE DIFFERENT professions):
- What is the ride and the profession selected
- What training and or educational requirements are there for each
job identified. How and where would you obtain this training/educational requirement(s). - Of the professions identified which one would you like to pursue
and why?
b.) ANIMALS: Observe the animal exhibits (your teacher may assign specific exhibits to you) and answer the following:
- On initial observation who do you see from the Park as an employee and what is their job? If there is more than one initial observation identify the exhibit and the job.
- Observe THREE different exhibits and for each identify a job or profession needed to maintain the animals.
- Observe the exhibits and explain what if any job or profession would be needed to maintain the exhibit.
- Identify THREE jobs or professions needed to maintain the animals OR the exhibits (you may use examples from #2 & #3 above). What is the training and/or educational requirements for each job/profession and how and where would you obtain this training/educational requirement?
- Of the professions identified in the animal exhibit(s) area(s) which one would you like to pursue and why? What class work, employment and/or internship opportunities would better prepare you for this profession and why?
c.) SHOPS AND ENTERTAINMENT: Visit each area as identified on your map as “Shops and Entertainment” and answer the following:
- Identify THREE shops or entertainment venues. For each identify one observed job or profession for each.
- Observe the “space” each venue exists in and identify a supporting job or profession needed to keep the venue in working condition (remember appearance too)
- For each of the THREE venues selected select one job or profession and explain the training or education needed to apply for a job at that venue. How and where would you obtain this training or education?
d.) FOOD: Visit THREE of the food venues on the map and answer the following:
- Identify the THREE venues you are visiting and identify one observed job or profession for each.
- Observe the “space” each venue exists in and identify a supporting job or profession needed to “stock” the venue or keep it in working condition (remember appearance AND items served as well as packaging).
- For each of the THREE venues visited select one job or profession and explain the training or education needed to apply for a job at that venue. How and where would you obtain this training or education?
2. Create a job application for the Park.
Within the application differentiate the four employment areas of the Park as well as identifying specific training or education requirements for each area. Be prepared to discuss the application you create and the information you are requesting on the application.
3. Identify TWO jobs or professions you would be interested in holding at the Park.
Explain why the profession appeals to you and identify the steps you would take to be the best qualified applicant for the job you identified. What is the salary scale for this job (starting salary to top salary you could earn), what if any job advancement(s) would there be in this position-explain
For each of the following professions at the Park explain where you would find this employee and what their job responsibilities would be. Additionally, identify any special training or education required to apply for each position:
a.) Mechanic
b.) Engineer
c.) Painter
d.) Cashier
e.) Cook
f.) Accountant
g.) Animal trainer
h.) Veterinarian
i.) Hostess
j.) Manager
5. Assume you are designing your own Park and answer the following:
a.) What is the name of your Park and why
b.) What types of exhibits/venues will your Park have and why
c.) Identify the jobs/professions you will need to fill before you can open your Park for business.