Enter for your chance to win a FREE bicycle!
Christmas is just around the corner and we’re getting into the holiday spirit here at Santa’s Village. Santa is already compiling his naughty and nice list, but he wants to know what you want under your tree on Christmas morning. To find out this information, Santa has decided to hold a contest where four (4) lucky winners will wake up on Christmas morning with a little extra something (a bicycle!) under their Christmas tree!
Here’s how to enter…
- Click the button below to download and print the letter template.
- Have your child(ren) fill out their letter to Santa. (One per child.)
- Drop the letter off at one of the following Santa’s Village mailboxes.
- Letters must be in the mailboxes by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 18.
Grafelman Park
112 N 5th St, West Dundee
The Depot
319 N. River St., East Dundee
Triangle Park
Between E Main St. & N Wisconsin St.
In front of Main Street Bicycles, Carpentersville
The Milk House
230 Reinking Rd., Pingree Grove

We encourage you to take a photo when dropping off your letter and share it on social! Be sure to tag @santasvillageil when you post your and use the hashtag #SVSantaLetter so we can see it and share it.
Santa will read all the submitted letters and randomly select four (4) winners – one letter from each mailbox location – to win a FREE bicycle.
Once the winners have been drawn, we’ll attempt to notify them via email and/or phone. If the potential winner cannot be contacted within five (5) days after the date of the first attempt to contact them, we’ll select an alternate potential winner at random.
Don't delay, write your letter to Santa today!